Blog Posts

Does Soundproofing Really Work?

Without a doubt, if it’s done right, soundproofing does really work, yes.   The key to the success of any soundproofing treatment lies in product selection and quantities required to trigger the sound effects you are seeking.    Your best first step is to source a supplier that has a long, healthy track record, a supplier who has

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Furnace Noise

The arrival of colder temperatures is evident everywhere you look—sweaters and scarves have replaced shorts and sandals, the colorful leaves of autumn are long gone from the trees, and breezy open windows have given way to the familiar roar of the home furnace. But for some, starting up the furnace on that first

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Soundproofing an Animal Shelter

If you own a kennel or manage an animal shelter you know how loud it can get inside. This is not only a nuisance for the occupants such as the employees, but it also can be a nuisance for those who may live within earshot of you. Since it is nearly impossible to eliminate the sound of barking dogs and other such

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Soundproofing Pool Pumps

Pool pumps are an example of a stationary sound source that can easily be partially closed off and sealed for sound protection.   Whether indoors, or out, a pump can have a simple frame built around the unit, with a corresponding set of sound barrier blankets cut to match the profile of the frame.   The blankets in turn can

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Home Theaters

If you have ever fantasized about having a theater room at home with theater quality acoustics, turning this dream into reality is easier than you may think. With an understanding of the types of modifications a room needs to transmit quality sound, you can convert any enclosed room in your home to a home theater room. Specifically, noise must first be contained and then measures must be taken to enhance the sound quality

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We get many calls about soundproofing doors.   The first thing we tell our callers is that there really is no cure to blocking sound from bleeding through a door.   The energy transfer takes place around the door’s perimeter as much as it does straighit through the door.   Applying any kind of panel or barrier to the

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Garage Band Noise

Every band needs relentless commitment to practicing their music if their hope is to build to the next level. Amateur musicians are faced with the ultimate dilemma when it comes to rehearsing: where can I practice if I am an amateur and do not have access to a music studio, and how can I develop my music skills and reach

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Why Batting Insulation Doesn’t Work

Batting insulation is great for thermally separating temperatures on both sides of a common surface.   The old school of thought was that stuffing this same material between the studs in a wall or the joists in a common floor/ceiling assembly will also serve to sound insulate one room’s noise from the next.  Well, not so.   As we teach here on this website (see the Walls, Ceiling, Floor link to the left), your goal with sound

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How to Pick a Soundproofing Supplier

The internet is jam packed with soundproofing companies vying for your business.   Prior to the internet explosion, there were a handful of suppliers around the country that all had easy access to most of the commercial and industrial sound abatement projects.   With the advent of the internet, comes a flock of

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