Soundproofing Loud Fellowship Halls
Fellowship Halls host social gatherings that require ease in communication. But as crowds gather, voices begin to reflect off perimeter wall, ceiling, and floor surfaces, generating sound wave reflections that take the room over. As the echoes carry, the background noise begins to blur the original sound, making speech difficult and communication strains. In turn, the patrons begin to raise their voices up and over the level of noise, to try to hold a conversation, and the room spikes to uncomfortable noise levels. The key to reducing loud Fellowship Halls lies in capturing these echoes from your space. We show you how to use ceiling and wall-mounted sound-absorbing panels to reduce noise levels and get back to enjoying fellowship.
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
Sound Absorbing Panels for Fellowship Halls
To improve the sound quality inside your Fellowship Hall, a set of sound-absorbing panels can be surface mounted around your perimeter wall or ceiling space. These sound deadening panels combine to capture and convert the unwanted echoes from the room, dropping your level of background noise, raising greater clarity to the original sound, and easing conversation and the ability to communicate. The key to the success of the soundproofing treatment is to ensure you do not under treat the space, which is what our Room Analysis is designed to answer for you. Use the link at the top or bottom of this page to submit your room’s dimensions. We will advise back on the quantities needed to trigger the sound values back you are seeking. The goal is to not under-treat the room.
Free Advice: 1-800-638-9355

Fellowship Hall Sound Panels Control Echo
The most popular sound panels for curbing noise levels in a Fellowship Hall are the NetWell Fabric Panels. These are decorative cloth wrapped soundboards that will combine to convert the background noise out of your space and deliver back premium sound quality. These sound-absorbing panels are available in 60 colors, we will custom cut them to the cavity size you want, and ship them along with a set of mounting clips for easy self-installation. Wall or ceiling mounted, simply spread them out around the perimeter of your room, and they will do their work for you. The panels are beautiful, decorative, durable, portable, easy to self-install, and are class A fire rated.
See Fabric Panel
Wall or Ceiling Mounted Sound Panels for Social Halls
Sound-absorbing panels for your Fellowship Hall can be either wall or ceiling mounted, whichever you choose. Install in nice even site lines evenly spread out around the perimeter of your space. Your echoes will collapse, while the quality of sound will be restored for ease in conversation. Your acoustic sound panels will ship with a clip system for easy self-installation by building maintenance staff or volunteers in your congregation. Available in 60 color options, with free color samples ready to ship upon request. Again, the key is to be sure you do not under treat the space. Call our help desk or submit a Room Analysis worksheet to determine your panel coverage.
Click for Free Color Swatches
Why Fellowship Halls Love NetWell Sound Panels
We have been placing sound-absorbing panels into Fellowship Hall for more than 25 years, and the Fabric Panel has been the treatment of choice each and every time. The panels are durable, easy to self-install, colorful, fire-rated, and highly effective at absorbing the unwanted echoes in your room. Note that the 1” thick panel is the standard for your Fellowship Hall, unless you put live musical instruments in there, then upgrade to the 2” thickness for a better performance value stemming from low-frequency bass tones.
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
See Fabric Panel
Four Steps to Noise Free:
Measure Your Fellowship Hall
We need the cubic footage of your space. Measure your room’s length, width, and height.
Submit Room Analysis
Use the button at the top or bottom of this page to submit your room’s dimensions.
Approve the Quote
We will define the framework for your treatment and submit back your quote for approval.
Self Install
Your sound absorbing panels will drop ship to your doorstep. Our treatments are cost effective, and designed for self-installation.
Case Study Features
We built our Case Studies library to showcase the variety of sound panel projects that NetWell gets involved with. Take the time to peruse through this list of recent soundproofing clients, check the images and testimonials, and call our help desk for any questions that might generate from your visit!
See Case Studies
Fellowship Hall Soundproofing: Q&A
How to design a Fellowship Hall for premium sound quality
The goal for designing a Fellowship Hall for premium sound quality is to create a space that is both easy to keep clean and that will enhance communication. Since the purpose of this environment is to support social gatherings, the goal will be to minimize the hard reflective surfaces that will otherwise bounce noise and strain conversation. Also, target taller ceilings, and non-parallel sets of walls if you can, and once the room is completed, retrofit a series of acoustic panels into the room, wall or ceiling mounted, to effectively capture and convert the unwelcome echoes that remain. By designing your new Fellowship Hall with these parameters, you will create a functional and user-friendly space to be enjoyed by all members of your congregation.
How to soundproof my Fellowship Hall?
The bulk of our clients are dealing with an existing finished Fellowship Hall that is too loud. The noise is due to the reflections off the perimeter surfaces in the room that combine to spike noise levels and run acoustic interference by elevating background noise over the conversation. The goal with your soundproofing treatment is to introduce a set of decorative, durable sound panels that can be wall or ceiling mounted inside the Fellowship Hall to effectively capture and convert the echoes from the space. Once you get control of your echo, you will restore the room to premium sound quality, lowering the background noise and raising clarity to original speech and conversation.
Why do Seniors have a hard time communicating in a loud Fellowship Hall?
Hearing loss affects approximately one-third of adults who are 61 to 70 years old and more than 80% of those who are older than 85. Special care must be taken when soundproofing a Fellowship Hall so that those already suffering from hearing loss can fully enjoy the company of their congregation. Without sound panels, your Fellowship Hall will produce higher levels of background noise, which will frustrate the Seniors and force strain in their conversations. As a result, they may stop attending. Your membership will be compromised, and the Seniors lose their social connection.
Do poor room acoustics affect Church membership?
Yes. If members are uncomfortable or unable to communicate in your Fellowship Hall, they may choose to stop attending or join another house of worship. Any church that serves to protect their membership and generate a healthy and spiritual environment will want to ensure that their social hall has the premium sound quality for the membership to enjoy.
How do sound panels make a Fellowship Hall more user friendly?
Fellowship halls are social halls that host a variety of events and gatherings for large groups. As the room fills with people, their voices begin to reflect around the room, elevating decibel rates to uncomfortable levels. This increased background noise can strain communication. Acoustic sound panels will capture and convert these echoes to produce a soundproof Fellowship Hall. In turn, background noise will collapse as original sound clarity is restored. With these panels in place, you can greatly improve acoustic capabilities, making your space more functional and user friendly for your congregation.
How many sound panels does my Fellowship Hall need?
The key to successful sound panel treatment is less about placement, and more about the amount of coverage the room receives based on its size, shape, and surface textures. Give NetWell a call at 1-800-638-9355 with your room size. We’ll help you determine the right approach and calculate the amount needed for your wall or ceiling mounted sound panels. Or you can also submit a Room Analysis, and we can calculate your coverage amounts off of that. We just need your room’s dimensions. The acoustic Fabric Panels are available in 60 colors and can be cut to the size of your choice. Free color samples available.
Why are ceiling mounted sound panels more popular than wall mounted?
Fellowship Halls tend to have lower perimeter wall height, which lowers the sound panels down into levels where kids with sticky fingers can touch them. The goal with the sound panels is to keep them up and out of reach for durability purposes. This makes a ceiling-mounted acoustic panel for a Fellowship Hall more popular unless you have taller perimeter walls that allow the sound panels to be placed up high on the walls. The acoustic values will generate value back regardless of location, so long as you introduce the right amount of product into the room. Wall or ceiling mounted. Fabric Panels flush mount to either surface to control the echoes in your Fellowship Hall. Ceiling Clouds “float” mechanically off your ceiling as an alternative.
What are the benefits of using sound panels in a Fellowship Hall?
NetWell’s sound panels for Fellowship Halls will prevent the conversation from being strained. Without the treatment, background noise will become distracting and loud, which will discourage members from attending social events in the space. However, with the sound panel treatment, people can better enjoy conversation which will help you retain members and grow your congregation. The investment you make into the acoustic panels for your Fellowship Hall is an investment in sustaining a strong and participating membership.
How do I lower noise in my Fellowship Hall?
The noise in the hall is caused by echo. Reduce the echo, and you will lower background noise. In turn, greater clarity is restored to original sound, which generates greater ease in conversation and communication. Sound panels, wall or ceiling mounted in the Fellowship Hall, will capture and convert the echoes from the room, and deliver the results you seek.
Will sound panels work to make my church sound better?
Yes! Acoustic panels will reduce up to 80% of your unwanted noise. As a result, clarity to sound is restored, and each room in your church will become far more comfortable and user friendly.
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StartSmart for Fellowship Halls
There’s not a Fellowship Hall out there that isn’t on a tight budget. Our goal is to not only lower the level of noise in your space but also to teach you how to do this cost-effectively. We have built a simple, easy to read email series called StartSmart that introduces our clients out ahead of their soundproofing projects, how to control their costs while trying to control their noise. This is a free course, if you’re wanting the most cost-effective solution to your noise, sign up today!