Soundproofing a Music Room
Music rooms by definition can mean many things. From a band room in a high school, to a recording studio in Los Angeles, to a teenage drum kit in the basement of your house. The goal with any of these definitions of a music room remains the same. Our goal is to help you create a Soundproof Music Room that produces premium sound quality within the space, as well as prevent the transfer of noise in or out of the room. To improve the sound values within your space, the goal is to control the level of echo. By lowering the background noise in the room, you raise greater clarity to original sound, delivering premium sound quality to the music you are creating. The key to the success of your interior room acoustics lies in the art of controlling your echo.
Questions? 1-800-638-9355
Sound Panels Control Music Room Acoustics
By controlling the ambient echoes in your music room, you deliver back superior sound quality. Acoustic panels, wall or ceiling mounted, can be introduced into your room for the purposes of capturing and converting the echoes from your room. What remains are lower levels of background noise, and greater clarity to original sound. Whether your music room is used for teaching, recording, broadcasting, editing, rehearsing, or performing, the acoustics inside the room will reach premium quality once the level of reverberation is under control.
The key to a Soundproof Music Room and the values you are seeking lie in ensuring that you do not under treat your space. We offer a free tool called a Room Analysis that can help you define the quantities needed based on the dimensions of your room. See the button at the top or bottom of this page to submit your room size, and we will quote your project back.

Choosing the Right Sound Panels for Your Music Room
Fabric Panels are 2” thick sound panels built for a soundproof music room. These sound panels combine to capture the unwanted sound wave reflections within the room to clean the space acoustically and deliver back the sound values you are seeking. The Fabric Panels are class A fire rated, decorative, durable, easy to self install and portable. You control panel size and color, there are more than 60 colors to choose from.
Again, step one in your journey is to use our Room Analysis to submit your room size, and we in turn will quote you your panel coverage and price.
Questions? 1-800-638-9355
See Fabric Panel
How to Isolate Your Noisy Music Room
Controlling the sound quality within your space might be only half your project’s goal. In addition to the Fabric Panel treatment, you may also be interested in the controlling the bleed of noise in or out of the room. We have built separate sections in our website that target the isolation of noise, and invite you to visit us there also (see Acoustic Foam Panels and Sound Barriers).
Please note that sound panels, like the Fabric Panels, are designed primarily to control the level of sound “within” your room, and not combat the sound from bleeding out of your space!
Why Music Rooms Love Fabric Panels
What’s not to love? These decorative sound panels are visually pleasing to the eye, and produce premium sound quality inside your space. We will work with you to customize your soundproofing treatment, targeting the Fabric Panel size/color that best matches to the cavity space in your Music Room. The panels are durable, portable, highly absorptive, and easy to self-install with the clip system we will ship along with your panels. Be sure to target the 2” thick over the 1” thick version of the panel, as the 2” thick offers more performance value for sounds stemming from musical instruments.
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
See Fabric Panel
Four Steps to a Soundproof Music Room:
Measure Your Music Room
We need the cubic footage of your space. Measure your room’s length, width, and height.
Submit Room Analysis
Use the button at the top or bottom of this page to submit your room’s dimensions.
Approve the Quote
We will define the framework for your treatment and submit back your quote for approval.
Self Install
Your sound panels will drop ship to your doorstep. Our treatments are cost effective, and designed for self-installation.
Case Study Views
A variety of sound panel projects are rotated through our Case Studies library. Be sure to check them out for gaining a good visual understanding of the sound panel presentation into a space. The testimonials also offer reassurance that our soundproofing treatments do indeed perform to task!
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
See Case Studies
Music Room Soundproofing: Q&A
How to Design a New Music Room for Premium Sound Quality
It’s ideal to build walls that are not parallel to one another. Angled walls will help scatter background noise in different directions and eliminate standing sound waves. Also, read our Wall Soundproofing section on how to layer dB-Bloc to deaden sound bleed in a music room. Once the walls are finished and properly insulated for noise control, add a set of acoustic panels to the perimeter walls or ceiling of your room to deaden background noise and eliminate sound distortion. These steps are ideal for soundproofing a music room, and they can be applied to either a new build or an existing space.
How to Soundproof an Existing Music Room
A properly tuned music room will deliver premium sound values to the interior of the space. This is created by controlling levels of ambient background noise and introducing a set of acoustic panels into the room. Once the background noise is captured and converted from the space, you’re left with premium clarity for musical tones. By simply retrofitting a set of sound panels, you’ll control background noise and eliminate distortions in the room.
Why Controlling Reverb Improves Sound Values for Your Music Room
Sound wave reverberations that reflect off the surfaces of a music room cause background interference for original sound signals. As the echoes carry throughout the room, music becomes blurred, and the sound signals become distorted. Because of this, it’s imperative to install music room soundproofing to capture and convert the unwanted echoes.
The Impact Music Room Sound Panels Have on a Teaching Environment
When teaching music, it’s important to have clear speech. Vocal instruction requires control over the background noise in the room. By capturing the echoes within the space, you can better achieve speech clarity, and produce a more favorable teaching and learning environment.
How to Stop Music Room Noise from Bleeding into Adjoining Rooms
The common walls that surround your music room will need to isolate the noise within the room and protect adjoining spaces. To effectively prevent the noise from bleeding outside of the room, you’ll need to implement a layering system to your existing finished surface. This system will deaden the sound bleed, as showcased in our Wall Soundproofing section of this website. The 3-step layering system includes adding a layer of dB-Bloc, then a resilient channel system, and lastly a new layer of 5/8” drywall.
Why is Acoustic Foam so Popular for Music Rooms?
Acoustic foam is a popular sound panel treatment for a music room because it is affordable, easy to ship and easy to self-install. Music room acoustic panels can be trimmed on-site and placed where you like. If you upgrade to cloth wrapped sound panels, it’s more difficult to trim them on-site and adds to the overall cost. Acoustic foam is limited in color options and is less durable in the long-term than the alternative cloth wrapped fiberboard option. In either case, both soundproofing treatments deliver premium sound quality, as long as appropriate quantities are installed for the room size.
How Sound Panel Thickness Will Make or Break Your Soundproofing Treatment
Thicker sound panels absorb stronger levels of low frequency sounds. If your music room has drums, bass guitars, oboes, cellos, tubas and so on, opt for the 3” or 4” thick Pyramid foam over the 2” option. If you select the Fabric Panel treatment, opt for the 2” over the 1” thick sound panels. In either case, if your sound source comes from human voices only, you can get by with the thinner panels, but for most projects, the thicker panel option is a far better investment.
How Many Panels Does Your Music Room Need, and Where Should You Place Them?
The key to lowering background noise is to install the correct coverage amounts, so our goal for soundproofing a music room is to ensure that we do not undertreat your space with sound panels. To calculate your coverage amounts, use our Room Analysis tool to submit your room’s dimensions, or contact our help desk at 1-800-638-9355. We will calculate your acoustic panel quantities and give you a quote for your project.
What Are the Benefits of Using NetWell’s Sound Panels in Your Music Room?
When the correct sound panel treatment, thickness, and coverage amounts are installed, you’ll restore premium sound quality and deliver optimal acoustic values for rehearsing, teaching, recording or broadcasting. Sound panels play a pivotal role in ensuring that your music reaches peak performance. By controlling excessive levels of reverberation and background noise, you’ll control the noise that would otherwise distort your sound signals.
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StartSmart for Music Rooms
For clients seeking help with controlling both their noise levels and their pocketbook, we built this simple StartSmart series online that delivers timely messages into your email over the next 3 weeks. The messages are all geared to help shed light on steps you can take to minimize the costs associated with your upcoming Music Room soundproofing project. Sign up today!