Soundproofing a Recording Studio
Building a successful Recording Studio from the design stage, or retrofitting to an existing, finished Studio, the goal is twofold: first, to isolate one room’s noise from the next, and second, to produce premium sound quality within each room for the purpose of recording or broadcast. This can be done with acoustic sound panels.
For instruction on Recording Studio Soundproofing, we refer you to the Soundproof Walls and Soundproof Ceilings sections of this website. For the purposes of maximizing sound quality within your space, stay right here.
The key to producing premium quality sound within your room is to control your level of background noise. Unwanted echo will blur original sound signals. The goal is capture and convert the echoes from your room, which in turn delivers back premium sound quality. The key to making your Recording Studio great is to control your level of reverb.
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
High Quality Sound with Acoustic Panels
The goal of your soundproofing recording studio treatment is to improve the sound quality within your room by controlling your level of ambient echo. When echoes collapse back, greater clarity to the original sound is restored. Acoustic sound panels can be wall or ceiling mounted inside your Studio to absorb your echoes, lower your level of blurred background noise, and generate premium sound clarity to the sounds you are seeking to record. Care must be given to your acoustic panel choice, the panel thickness, and the quantities.
That’s where our 25 years of soundproofing experience can help. Use our Room Analysis button up top or at the bottom of this page to submit your room size, and we will define the panel count and quote your project back. Once the project is defined, approved, shipped, and installed, you will notice an immediate drop in your level of background noise.

Featured Acoustic Sound Panels for Recording Studios
The most popular of our acoustic sound panels for a Recording Studio is our Acoustic Fabric Panels. These are decorative cloth-wrapped boards designed to capture and convert the unwelcome sound wave reflections inside your studio and deliver back the premium sound quality you are seeking. The panels can be wall or ceiling mounted as you wish inside your space, so long as the appropriate amount of panel is produced and shipped to your project site.
Acoustic Fabric Panels come in 60 colors, they are class A fire rated, durable, decorative, portable, and combine to produce maximum sound absorption coefficients. The ideal choice for your Recording Studio.
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
See Fabric Panel
Related Soundproofing Products
Tiger Traps or Corner Bass Traps are the compliments to our Fabric Panel. These are base traps that can be wrapped in the same color as your Fabric Panels, and recessed into the 4 corners of your live rooms to reduce base frequency reverberations that will gather in the corners of your studio space.
Also, popular for our Recording Studio clients are the Pyramid Acoustic Foam Panels. These are 2’x2′ panels that measure 3″ thick and are class A fire rated.
Recording Studio Soundproofing Panels
Fabric Acoustic Panels are class A fire rated, decorative, durable, easy to self-install, available in 60 colors, and can be upgraded to double as bulletin boards or have graphics printed on to them.
To soundproof your recording studio, place as you wish around the perimeter of your studio, either mounted on walls or ceiling, but evenly distributed with nice parallel site lines. This is the most popular sound panel product that we sell, and have been at it for over 25 years.
Questions? Call 1-800-638-9355
See Fabric Panel
Four Steps to Soundproofing Your Recording Studio:
Measure Your Recording Studio
We need the cubic footage of your space. Measure your room’s length, width, and height.
Submit Room Analysis
Use the button at the top or bottom of this page to submit your room’s dimensions.
Approve the Quote
We will define the framework for your treatment and submit back your quote for approval.
Self Install
Your sound panels will drop ship to your doorstep. Our treatments are cost effective, and designed for self-installation.
Case Study Projects
Be sure to visit our Case Studies Library where we showcase a variety of recent sound panel projects. Here you can discover how various clients present their acoustic panels into their space, and receive their testimonials as to how well their acoustic treatment performed.
Questions? 1-800-638-9355
See Case Studies
Recording Studio Soundproofing: Q &A
How to Design a Recording Studio for Premium Sound Values
You can deaden the potential noise that travels from room to room with recording studio soundproofing. This can be accomplished by lining your common walls with dB-Bloc. As you build the walls, work to angle them so there are no parallel walls within the studio to help combat standing sound waves. Use triple-pane windows between live and control rooms — each pane of glass should be a different thickness with argon gas injected in between each panel. Once the rooms are built, line their perimeter walls with acoustic panels to deaden unwelcome reverb. Also, make sure the floor is more reflective than the walls by putting down a hardwood flooring surface.
How to Soundproof an Existing, Finished Recording Studio
Anchor your acoustic panels to the existing walls. By choosing 2” thick Fabric Acoustic Panels, you’ll be able to absorb low frequencies more efficiently. Cover up to 70% of your wall space with these sound panels for premium sound quality.
Why It’s a Top Priority to Control Reverb When Soundproofing a Recording Studio
Unwanted reverb will cause the background noise to build to uncomfortable levels. In turn, this will distort and blur the original sound signals. To produce premium sound clarity, you must keep the reverberations to a minimum by installing acoustic panels for recording studios.
How to Produce Premium Sound Quality for Recording Music
For premium sound quality, cover up to 70% of your perimeter wall space with 2” thick Fabric Acoustic Panels and add a hardwood floor. The reflective floor and absorptive sound panels will produce a clear, crisp sound for recording purposes.
How to Produce Premium Sound Quality in a Voiceover Booth
The same sound absorption techniques apply to voiceover soundproofing. Line the perimeter walls and ceilings with sound panels to capture the echoes within the room. In turn, this removes the background distortions and generates premium vocal clarity. Pyramid Foam Panels are popular for this technique since they are easy to self-install. Cover up to 100% of the walls and ceilings for maximum sound performance.
How to Prevent Noise in a Control Room from Bleeding into a Live Room
In order to properly isolate two rooms in a soundproof recording studio, care should be given to the window and the wall. Check out our Wall Soundproofing section of this website, which teaches you the proper “disconnection” and “density” for common walls. When layered properly on a new build or existing common wall, you can deaden up to 90% of noise bleed. As for your window, we recommend you reach out to a local window expert. Be sure that your window is triple-paned and that each pane is a different thickness to capture and reduce different frequencies of sound. Also, be sure the middle pane is angled inside the casing. Argon gas should be filled between the panes for effective recording studio soundproofing.
How to Soundproof Walls in a Recording Studio
When soundproofing common walls, apply the “disconnection and density” formula that we showcase in our Wall Soundproofing section. This entails using our ultra-dense membrane dB-Bloc, a channel system, and a new 5/8” drywall layer. The goal is to force the collapse of the transmitted sound waves, rather than letting the energy vibrate through the assembly. Up to 90% of the transmitted noise can be softened with acoustic panels for recording studios.
How to Calculate Sound Panel Coverage Amounts for Your Recording Studio
Your coverage amounts depend on the size of your room. Typically, we recommend measuring your overall wall size and ordering 50-70% of that square foot total. The acoustic panels can be placed as you wish throughout the studio, but the quantities should be close to this percentage. (See our Fabric Acoustic Panels.)
How to Brand Your Space by Applying Artists’ Images to Your Sound Panels
Imagine displaying your artists on large murals that decorate the walls and halls of your recording studio. Then, imagine those same murals work double duty as sound panels absorbing sound wave reverberations and generating premium sound quality within your space. Murals can be cut up to 10’ tall. (See PicturePanels.)
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StartSmart is an email series we built to help guide our clients through their soundproofing treatment with cost in mind. If your goal is to control your pocketbook as well as your noise, sign up for this free tool today!